Difference Between An Analytical And Precision Balance

Understand the Difference Between Analytical and Precision Balances

Balances are an essential tool in laboratories, used to measure the mass of an object, whether it's a solid, liquid, or tissue. However, there are different types of balances available in the market, each with its own unique features, accuracy, and capacity.

If you're planning to buy a balance, you must consider the accuracy and capacity required for your application. Two commonly used balances in laboratories are analytical balances and precision balances. While both balances have their advantages and disadvantages, it's essential to understand their differences to make an informed decision. In this blog, we will explore the difference between analytical and precision balances.

What are Analytical Balances?

Analytical balances are highly sensitive and capable of measuring small masses with incredible precision. These balances are typically used in quantitative chemical analysis, where precision is critical. Analytical balances can measure up to four decimal places to the right of the decimal point, providing an accuracy of 0.0001 to 0.00001g.

However, the sensitivity of analytical balances can make them vulnerable to external factors, such as air currents and vibrations, which can impact the measurements. To prevent this, analytical balances often come with a draft shield that creates a stable environment for measurements. It's also important to have a dedicated space for analytical balances to avoid interference from environmental factors.

Calibration is crucial for analytical balances, and they require frequent monitoring and adjustment to maintain accuracy. Most analytical balances come with an automatic internal motor-operated calibration weight, but external weights can also be used for calibration.

What are Precision Balances?

Precision balances, also known as top-loading balances, are less sensitive than analytical balances and are ideal for general-purpose weighing applications. They can measure up to 200g of mass with a readability of up to three decimal places to the right of the decimal point, providing an accuracy of 0.001g.

Unlike analytical balances, precision balances are not affected by external factors such as air currents or vibrations, making them less susceptible to errors. They are also faster than analytical balances, providing readouts within a couple of seconds.

Precision balances are less expensive than analytical balances and require less frequent calibration. They are suitable for applications that require moderate accuracy, such as quality control, purity analysis, density determination, formulation, materials, and conformance testing, and packaging and filling.

Analytical Balance vs. Precision Balance: Key Differences

Here are the key differences between analytical and precision balances:

  1. Accuracy: Analytical balances are more accurate than precision balances, providing an accuracy of up to 0.0001 to 0.00001g. Precision balances provide an accuracy of up to 0.001g.
  2. Readability: Analytical balances have a higher readability than precision balances, with up to four decimal places to the right of the decimal point. Precision balances have up to three decimal places to the right of the decimal point.
  3. Environment Factors: Analytical balances are sensitive to environmental factors such as air currents and vibrations, which can affect the reading. Precision balances are less sensitive to external factors and provide stable readings.
  4. Cost: Analytical balances are more expensive than precision balances due to their higher accuracy and sensitivity.

Choosing the Right Balance for Your Application 

It's also essential to consider the capacity of the balance required for your application. Analytical balances are typically designed for lower capacity measurements, usually ranging from 0.1g to 300g, while precision balances are suitable for higher capacity measurements, typically ranging from 200g to 8kg or more.

Another factor to consider is the environmental conditions of your lab or workspace. If your lab is prone to air currents or vibrations, or if you have limited space, an analytical balance with a draft shield may be necessary to ensure accurate measurements. On the other hand, if your lab has stable environmental conditions, a precision balance may be sufficient.

In addition to accuracy, capacity, and environmental conditions, budget is also a crucial factor to consider. Analytical balances are generally more expensive than precision balances due to their higher accuracy and sensitivity. However, it's important to strike a balance between your budget and the accuracy requirements of your application. Consider the long-term value and durability of the balance, as investing in a higher-quality balance can save you money in the long run by providing accurate and reliable measurements over time.

Tips for Proper Use and Maintenance of Balances

Regardless of whether you choose an analytical balance or a precision balance, proper use and maintenance are critical to ensure accurate measurements and prolong the lifespan of your balance. Here are some tips for proper use and maintenance of balances:

  1. Levelling: Ensure that the balance is placed on a level surface to prevent any inaccuracies in measurements due to uneven surfaces.
  2. Calibration: Regularly calibrate the balance according to the manufacturer's instructions and use appropriate calibration weights. Avoid using excessive force or rough handling during calibration.
  3. Cleaning: Keep the balance clean and free from dust or debris that may affect the accuracy of measurements. Use approved cleaning methods and avoid using abrasive materials that may scratch the balance.
  4. Draft Shield: If using an analytical balance, make sure to use the draft shield properly to prevent air currents or vibrations from affecting the measurements.
  5. Handling: Always handle the balance with care, avoiding any rough handling or impact that may damage the balance.
  6. Temperature and Humidity: Maintain stable temperature and humidity conditions in the lab or workspace, as changes in these conditions can affect the accuracy of balance measurements.
  7. Use of Tare Function: Utilize the tare function correctly to account for the weight of containers or other objects used in measurements, and avoid overloading the balance.
  8. Training: Provide proper training to lab personnel on the correct use and maintenance of balances to ensure consistent and accurate measurements.


In conclusion, choosing the right balance for your application depends on the accuracy, capacity, environmental conditions, and budget considerations. Analytical balances are highly accurate and sensitive, making them ideal for applications that require high precision measurements. Precision balances, on the other hand, are suitable for general-purpose weighing applications that require moderate accuracy and speed.

Proper use and maintenance of balances are crucial to ensure accurate measurements and prolong the lifespan of the balance. Following best practices for leveling, calibration, cleaning, handling, and environmental conditions, as well as providing adequate training to lab personnel, can help ensure reliable and consistent results from your balance.

Remember to carefully evaluate your application requirements, budget, and environmental conditions when choosing between analytical and precision balances, and always follow manufacturer's instructions for proper use and maintenance. Investing in a high-quality balance and following best practices for its use and maintenance will help you achieve accurate and reliable measurements in your laboratory work.

Apr 18th 2023 Don Markland

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